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Capitol Hill Schools

8th Avenue to Colfax, Sherman to Corona

Denver Public Schools

Denver Public Schools are dedicated to the belief that all children can learn and achieve, Denver reaffirms its responsibility to improve student achievement, ensure academic excellence, and dispel any barriers or attitudes that impede the district’s commitment to the education of all children.

Need more information? During the week you are welcome to visit any school or call 303-837-1000. Denver PTSA 303-860-7948.


Elementary School

846 Corona Street
Phone: 303-831-7044
Grades: K-5, students have the option of staying at Moore through 8th grade, or moving on to Morey for a more traditional middle school experience.
Special Programs: Challenge Program, Instructional Assistance Project, Bilingual Education, English – as – a – Second – Language, Special Ed.


Middle School

840 East 14th Avenue
Phone: 303-832-1139
Grades: 6-8
Special Programs: Challenge Program, Special Education, Academic Skills Center, Chapter One Reading


High School

1545 Detroit Street
Phone: 303-388-5603
Grades: 9-12
Special Programs: Advanced Placement,Executive Internship Program, Special Education, Alternative Education, and Hearing Handicapped Program. May attend Manual High School for classes not offered at East via provided shuttle bus.

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