The property is listed in the MLS and a sign is placed in the yard.
Agents decide which homes the buyers will see, usually based solely upon the MLS entry. The MLS comments are very, very important. They must present a realistic summary of the house, so that the buyer is not disappointed at showing time – but also point out the home’s good features. This takes skill and creativity.
The MLS entry must be accurate, based on Metro Denver standards, and the Seller is liable for incorrect information. Misinformation is not at all uncommon.
Leonard Leonard and Associates signs are based on the Leonard family’s coat of arms. Buyers know we specialize in the Heart of Denver vintage homes and know they are in for a treat when they see our signs! We have a richly deserved reputation for quality listings. This reputation sets the stage for the buyer and the buyer’s agent to have a good showing.
See how Leonard Leonard goes BEYOND the ordinary…
- You and your agent set the sales price.
- You prepare the house to be put on the market.
- A marketing plan is developed.
- A full color brochure is printed.
- The property is listed in the MLS and a sign is placed in the yard.
- Real estate office receives calls from other agents to set showings.
- Offers are received and the contract is negotiated.