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DPS Facts




Established as a school district in 1902, Denver continues to be a leader in education. Denver Public Schools serve one of the most heterogeneous populations in the state of Colorado. The nearly 60,000 students represent an international spectrum of 74 countries and 85 languages. The Denver Public Schools celebrates this rich diversity knowing that it adds to the wealth of knowledge and promotes human understanding. DPS students are prepared to succeed in the world. A continuous striving for excellence and dedication to student achievement set the high standards for which the district is nationally recognized.

Each year, Denver Public Schools graduate approximately 3,000 students. Sixty-three percent of these graduates pursue higher education, receiving nearly 1,500 scholarships to colleges in Colorado and throughout the world. Additionally, an average of 25 students achieve semifinalist and finalist status in the National Merit Scholarship competition. Nearly all of this group receive major scholarships and corporate awards.

Much of the strength of the DPS is rooted in parental, community, and business volunteer involvement. In addition to serving on Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSA); Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO): School Improvement and Accountability Councils (Special Education Advisory Council) and the American Indian, Asian, Black, and Hispanic Education Advisory Councils, more than 17,000 volunteers share time and talents in schools as program mentors, coaches, tutors, and classroom assistants. These volunteers contribute some 323,000 hours of service annually – a contribution worth over $2.5 million to the school district.


Find out how your Neighborhood School rates at Great Schools a parents guide to K-12 success.

Learn more about your local public Schools at School Matters a website for parents researching information about public schools

For more information visit any school or the Administration Building or call 303-837-1000.

For information about private or parochial schools,
call the Colorado Department of Education at 303-866-6837.

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